[Learning Progress] Baby Jae from 6 to 9 months old

It’s been a busy period at home, so thank you for your patience in waiting for my updates at Mummy’s Homeschool!

Over the past 3 months, Baby Jae blossomed from a baby to almost like a toddler. He has grown so much within such a short span of time!


Right Brain Education

At 8 months old, Jae started attending Shichida weekly classes. I accompanied him for his first lesson, after which Daddy took over. (During the same time slot, I accompany Vee for his class.) He enjoys the classes and is especially attentive during songs.

Babies are indeed born with amazing abilities. For the recent 3 classes, Jae has gotten perfect score for photographic memory exercises. For HSP (Heightened Sensory Perception) exercises, usually all except 1 correct.

That’s why right brain education is about helping children retain and develop their innate abilities. The earlier it’s started, the more effective it is. Otherwise, these abilities will be lost as they grow older and the left brain takes over, needing a lot more effort to learn.

  • Home Practice: This is still sporadic because I’m trying to work around his nap schedule while handling Vee. My target is to do 4 days of home practice each week. 15 minutes each time, covering 100-200 flashcards, senses play and photographic memory exercises. Through the day, we’d also sing and speed-read.


He watched with awe when his brother completed a tall tower with the knobless cylinders!

  • Shelves: I’ve placed board books and some age-appropriate toys at the lower shelves. Whenever he gets to explore the materials, he becomes super-excited.
  • Sensorial: Besides materials on the shelves, I also let him join in when Vee plays with Lego Duplo (remove the smaller pieces) and other not-too-tiny toys. He loves rummaging through the bucket to find pieces that attract him. This is also a good chance for the boys to learn how to play nicely together.
  • Mouthing stage:Β At this age, he uses his mouth to explore anything that he’s interested in — books, toys, dining chairs, his booster seat buckles, pails, just name it… Once, he even tried to eat an insect off the floor! I try to use positive language instead of saying “No” when he tries to mouth something he shouldn’t. E.g. “That’s for your eyes and hands”, “Holding is fine”, “If you need to bite something, here’s your teether”


  • Speech: Once, Jae tried saying “ba ba” and “ma ma” while looking at us individually. Otherwise, he’s still babbling with simple, “Ah ah ah”.
  • Baby sign language: At 8+ months old, he started usingΒ simple hand signs for “more” and “eat” when he wants more finger food. I was over the moon when he first tried!

Motor Skills

This little bunny is very agile and loves moving about. He’s contented to explore freely on the floor, giving me much-needed time to finish my meals at home. Phew!

  • At 6.5 months old, he first started pulling up to stand at the cot bed and Montessori shelves. And even smiled smugly!
  • Just before 7 months old, he started cruising along furniture, and pushing a small chair / stool / pushwalker toy to learn walking.
  • At 8 months old, he managed to get from squatting to standing position by himself, and stood independently for about 2 seconds, witnessed by lucky Daddy.Β Now at 9 months old, he can stand on his own for 7-14 seconds! We’re waiting patiently for him to take his first step.
  • He can crawl up a few steps.
  • He loves holding on to Vee’s high chair and the refrigerator. Jae treats the dining table as his mini play gym, often crawling underneath it when we’re having meals. If he spots any food on the floor, he’d try to eat it!
  • Finally, we brought him for his first swim at a public pool. He totally enjoyed himself splashing water and smiling at others for 30 minutes.

Behaviour & Social Skills

  • During the day, Jae is quite easy to handle. As long as he’s well-fed and his diaper is clean, he’s generally very happy. Ever since he started to feed himself finger food and cruise along furniture, I didn’t need to babywear him at home. Of course, if no one plays with him for too long, he’d start fussing for attention.
  • He gets to interact with adult family members at home, his brother, and is around other babies in the Shichida class, so that’s quite a complete “social circle” for now.

It’s a joy to see how fast babies learn. The rest of Baby Jae’s updates on feeding, pre-potty training and sleeping is posted at Mummy’s Reviews here.

P.S. I’ve created a Mummy’s Homeschool Facebook page to share interesting info / links / etc. on homeschooling. You’re invited to “Like” our Facebook page here.

P.P.S. Coming up: I’m compiling a list of The Shichida MethodΒ FAQsΒ based on our own experiences, since many Mummies have asked me similar questions. I’d try to share as long as it’s not copyrighted information.Β If you’ve anything particular to be addressed, please leave a comment.

34 thoughts on “[Learning Progress] Baby Jae from 6 to 9 months old”

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Younger child: E.g. Print 2 copies of a picture. Add stars to the first. Show the child for a short while. Shuffle the 2 pictures. Ask the child to choose “Which one did you see?”

      Older child: E.g. using Lego bricks: Arrange yellow, blue, red. Show the child for a short while. Then cover the bricks with a box / cloth.
      Give the child 3 similar bricks (yellow, blue, red) and ask him to try arranging.

      In general, just use any materials at hand for similar practice. When the child is better at the activity, increase complexity.

  1. i am thinking of starting my boy in shichida class but pondering if is effective. And whether i can commit to the home practices. Haha i bot the glenn doman set n started when he was 6months old. But stopped after a month and haven’t had a
    chance to resume yet, despite i am a stay at home mum too! πŸ™ so i was thinkin at least shichida class is more structured and there’s teacher so more disciplined πŸ˜‰

    apparently shichida is very useful for both your boys. on average, how much time you need to commit every week?

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi Poh Ling, I’m using pen-name “MieVee” here. πŸ™‚

      From our experiences, I certainly agree that The Shichida Method is effective. We follow the method as taught in the 3-hour Parents’ Education Course, Parents Handbook, Shichida books translated in Chinese (no updated English version) and classes, and can see the children blossom. Not just academically but as a whole person. Fundamentally, The Shichida Method is a parenting philosophy, starting with teaching the parents how to show love effectively to the child, which is so important before any learning can take place. We use the methods for showing love throughout the day.

      It’s also essential to note that The Shichida Method is completely different from the Glenn Doman method. When Vee was 9-10 months old, I bumped into these 2 methods, compared them, and selected the former. On hindsight now, the differences are even more obvious and I’m glad to have made this choice.

      Yes, weekly Shichida classes makes me more discipline. It’s like being accountable because there’s ongoing feedback between the sinsei and the parent on the child’s progress. Also, the areas covered are advanced accordingly to the child’s age, so I can follow-up with age-appropriate activities at home.

      Home practice can vary. Anything from 15 minutes a day (even impromptu activities count) to as long as the child enjoys it. We homeschool, so the first 30 minutes are usually Shichida activities, weekdays only. The boys have Shichida class during weekend, so that’s total exposure of 6 days a week. Whenever anyone is grouchy, unwell, we skip practice until a later time or the following day.

      Preparation of materials take up time. I exchange soft copy flashcards & materials with a close group of Mummies, to save time. Usually, I prepare the materials with Vee, so it’s like doing “work” or craft-time for him.

  2. dear, u’re really an amazing mommy! i’m impressed by ur home schooling! u doing a good job! πŸ™‚ i’m a mommy of 1 whom is turning 2 soon, he just started shichida method for a month and i really like this program! i’m currently doing home practice for 15-30 mins everyday, basically just creating energy ball, showing flash cards (about 200-250 cards), 63 days dots program, photographic memory (he not really interested in this…).. just wondering how do u do senses play and speed reading for ur boys? and how often u change the flash cards?

    thanks in advance! ur reply is much appreciated!! =)

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi rachel, thanks for your comments. I’m actually doing very little at home every day, though it seems a lot because the info’s all compiled. Ha!

      Preparatory activities are very important. The energy ball, deep breathing (or blowing for younger children), and imaging (for older children) are the 3 critical steps before starting home practice.

      Senses play: Use simple materials such as colourful blocks / small toy figurines / game cards / picture cards. Do a variety of hand reading, prediction (guessing), telepathy, etc. as per class (refer to parents’ handbook). For prediction, can even guess the next day’s weather. It’s that simple! πŸ™‚

      I also let the kids smell food (covered up) and guess what it is. To sharpen the senses.

      Speed reading: Do eye training exercises as in class. When reading our regular story books at home, I read at normal speed and then high speed, just like in class. Ideally, the books aren’t too long, a few lines per page, so that the flipping is faster.

      Changing flashcards: I try to retire old cards every 4-5 days. If child picks up very fast, then he’d need new cards more frequently.

      Again, I need to emphasize the Parents’ Handbook, it’s very clear in explaining how to do home practice. Also, attend the school’s sharing session on home practice. You’d be able to ask the sinsei / expert parent questions.

  3. I’ve enrolled my baby for nxt year’s Shichida lessons, so am definitely looking forward to your Shichida Methods FAQs πŸ™‚

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi Shamini, most of the time, homemade flashcards involve using images sourced online, so they can’t be uploaded for sharing, or would infringe copyright. I’ve created some flash cards that can be shared openly, will do so later on when time permits.

      One way I like is to form a close group with 1-2 likeminded friends to exchange flashcards.

  4. Hi mievee,

    Thx for ur reply! It inspired me! Ya, I do refer to the handbook but somehow still unclear to sOme points. Lol~ btw, u mentioned u normally retire cards every 4-5 days, u mean to retire all cards? Like I showing 200-250 cards per day, meaning to say tt I need 200-250 of new cards every wk? My son is getting sick of the home practice! Aiks… Anyway to “attract ” them? Hehe..

    Thx ^^

  5. Hi MieVee! What do you think is the most efficient way of making your own flash cards? I just print images and their word descriptions, then glue them to either side of another piece of paper. They don’t turn out very nice though and are not easy to flash. How do you print yours?

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      I use A5 (1/2 A4) card stocks bought from Shichida centre. You should be able to get similar card stock elsewhere. Needs to be thick enough, and at least 1 smooth / glossy side (that’s for facing the child).

      – print images on A4 (2 pictures on 1 page)
      – cut in bulk using paper cutter (much faster than scissors)
      – stick onto card stock
      – 1 side: picture, the other side: word in small print for my own reading. I rarely do word descriptions because the aim of flashing is to activate the right brain instead of providing lots of information.

      Of course, you may add in word descriptions. When the child outgrows flashcard stage, she may use the cards for reading pleasure or games.

      For quick flashing, buy a thumb cover (the type people use to count cash quickly), can get from Daiso. Try to get transparent ones if possible, to minimize distraction to child. I can’t get those, so am using green, and try to hide it from child’s view.

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Erm… 10 minutes sounds too long…

      At 1 to 3 cards per second, should be able to cover 60 to 180 cards per minute, averaging 120 cards.
      So for 100-200 cards per session, we’re usually done in 2 minutes.

      Baby Jae is more active nowadays, so he’d see less cards. Or try over more sessions.

      Vee wanted to run around at 18 months, so I tried putting him in a chair with restraint (e.g. highchair with belts).
      – include sets with pictures that he love. E.g. trains, favourite cartoon characters, family members’ photos
      – in between flashing, can switch to singing a song, then resume
      Now he enjoys the flashcard sessions and asks for more. πŸ™‚

  6. got it. thanks.

    one more ques, is photographic memory the same as other memory games?

    btw, im looking forward to your shichida FAQ as well, even though we have never been to their classes.

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Photographic memory is only one type of memory games. It means instant memory, looking at the picture for a split second and recall it.

      Other examples of memory games are linking memory, flash memory and audio memory (even more powerful than visual memory).
      If you haven’t been to Shichida class, just play lots of different types of memory games with your child.
      E.g. card game (face down, find pairs)

      Montessori also has memory games. E.g. blindfold child and let her complete the Pink Tower. This is more like sensual memory.
      We tried once but Vee isn’t ready for blindfolding yet.

  7. Hi Mievee,
    I have been following both your blogs on mummy’s review as well as this one – and really really like it. Amazing how you find the time to do this.
    My boy is now 6 months old and I have been looking into different methods and found the Shichida very interesting. I have reached out to them and was quite -unpleasantly – surprised by how expensive the classes are. Since you have already a 3 year old lil toddler I was wondering if you could tell me or give me a recommendation as to how many terms /how long for should my baby attend these classes. One term is 12 weeks and was quoted to me at $780 which is quite high. Do you know what are the costs I should be looking into once I start? Also would attending one term be sufficient so I can continue at home? How long is it advisory to get the most out of the classes ?

    Hope you can help.
    thanks a lot, A

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi Aynur, a quick reply first while the FAQs is still being compiled:

      – yes, right brain education class fees are high, in fact very high among all the enrichment classes around. In KL, it’s about RM100/class or RM400/month, and salary here is generally lower than in Singapore too. So if we don’t convert the currency, it’s even more expensive in KL.

      – The materials and methods progress with the child’s age. Generally, right brain education is very important from 0-3 years old, followed by bridging right to left brain from 3-6 years old. After that, if the child has successfully developed his right brain abilities and bridge them to the left brain, he should be able to progress very well on his own. If budget is a constraint, I’d suggest from about 8-9 months old (or when baby has predictable nap schedule, and longer attention span to benefit more from class) to 3 years old. After that, you’d need to learn from various sources on how to do the bridging successfully, else the skills may not remain permanent.

      – If you wish to do home practice, there’re costs for flashcards (make / buy / exchange), linking memory activities (buying recommended), puzzles (IQ blocks recommended), other left brain activities (make / buy).

      I make most flashcards, need to buy ink and card stock.
      Other materials, buy in batches as child progresses.

      Personally, I think the most important is a significant inventory of flashcards, audio CDs (math songs, recitations, audio books), blocks (IQ, Lego), and puzzles (jigsaw puzzle, tangrams, etc.) Even without attending Shichida class, I think these are very educational materials for a young child.

      – Attending 1 term is very short, definitely not enough to know how to advance the method as the child grows older. For example, Baby Jae is in baby class, the linking memory exercise is very basic, with 6 images by opening a flap to find the right card. As he grows, he’d learn to arrange 6 cards. Then 10 cards, then 40 cards. Also, space memory, flash memory come in later. At 3-year old class, Vee has not been introduced to Mandala yet.

      However, you can make the best value out of the first term by copying the home practice guideline pasted on the classroom wall, paying FULL attention at the Parents Education Course, reading the handbook thoroughly, attending the free parents sharing / home practice sessions, buying the materials from the Tensai shop that you think you’d possibly need for next few years to come. (Materials only sold to enrolled students because you can benefit from them if you how to use them effectively.) Sometimes, you may find second-hand materials in forums.

      And build a good relationship with other classmates to exchange homemade materials, even if you no longer attend class one day. Personally, I think you’d need to spot 1-2 other Mummies who are committed to home practice and willing to share.

      Vee is only in 3 years old class, still a long way to go. Our family budget is to send at least the oldest child through the entire program (to about 6-7 years old). For home practice / educational materials (buy + make), we budget RM100-200 / month. This means RM600 for right brain education for all kids. (Montessori materials is a separate budget.) We homeschool, so this is still much cheaper than sending all the kids to a good private preschool, which typically doesn’t build right brain learning skills (e.g. photographic memory & speed reading).

      Anyway, just work within your budget because every family’s priorities are different. Right brain education is really about educating the heart and building a solid relationship with the child. Then make do with whatever materials are available on hand. E.g. borrow library books regularly to practice reading and speed reading. Play different types of memory games with child. 1 good box of Lego blocks (big variety of blocks, some wheels to make vehicles, and a few figurines).

      Hope this helps. πŸ™‚

  8. Oh one more question, where did you buy the babylanguage learning kit? can you order this online? I found it on amazon but with different vendors and they were not shipping internationally.

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi Aynur, I bought the Baby Signs kit from The Baby Loft, in KL. They’ve an online store, but not sure if still selling the kit.
      The Baby Signs program in Malaysia has a website: http://www.babysignsmalaysia.com

      If you’re from another country, google for “Baby Signs” in your country.

  9. Hi MieVee,

    I have downloaded some flashcard online. I’m wondering how do you make your own flashcard. Would you mind to share the flash card? Thanks!

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi pjkok, please refer to my reply to JH on how to make flashcards.

      Because most images used for my flashcards are downloaded from the Internet (e.g. Google images, Wikipedia) for home educational use only, they can’t be uploaded and shared publicly. This is why I only do flashcards exchange with a small group of close friends.

      I have some flashcards that don’t use copyrighted images, will share them as time permits.

  10. Hello, found your site accidentally πŸ™‚ my baby is now 2 months plus. I wonder if I should start something with her already. Maybe something age appropriate and fun? Thanks and I love reading ur posts!

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hihi Kay, congrats on your baby! πŸ™‚ Some info shared previously with another mummy:
      Baby’s first toys:
      – For first 1-2 months, he’d love to see black / white items, followed by black / white / red. So get toys with these 3 striking contrast colours in various patterns — dots, stripes, animals, etc.

      – I like Tiny Love and Lamaze toys. Some reviews: cot mobile, toy
      Most big or specialty baby shops should carry a few of these.

      – After 2 months old, can introduce more colourful toys. Can also start putting baby under mini-gym as a daily routine, to encourage independent play for a short while. Review of our mini-gym here.

      – I usually play with baby for 5-30 minutes, depending on how much time I have. Then let him play by himself for up to 30 minutes, then attend to him when he needs attention. With practice, baby will learn to play independently for short periods, freeing mummy to do important household chores or even shower! Hee…

      – From 2+ months old, I also started letting baby see black / white flashcards (e.g. animal silhouettes), followed by more colourful cards. To help him focus his attention. From a few seconds, slowly increase focus to longer periods. Longer periods of focus help baby to learn in future, when you’d like to start teaching him.

      – I also like fabric books and fabric toys that are machine washable. From 3-4 months old, baby may start teething and put anything into his mouth. Washable toys make cleaning very easy.

      – For non-washable toys, I use a steam cleaner or baby-toy spray to clean the toys on rotation basis.

      – Info on choosing safe toys here

      – I also play a range of audio files / music in the background during the day, when we’re playing or in the mood for songs.

      – I also read with hand gestures (or baby sign language) and talk to baby through the day like he’s my friend.

      – Simple baby massage is also wonderful.

      Hope this helps and have fun with baby. πŸ™‚

      1. Hi MieVee,

        I stumbled upon your blog when researching on Shichida method, great blog there!
        Wanted to sign up for your workshop in Singapore in Dec 15 but there are no slots left πŸ™
        When will you be having another workshop in Singapore?

        I have a questions regarding flashcards, from what i understand, flashcards needs to be flash fast, eg at least 1 per second for the activity to be effective. But what about for younger babies? Eg below 6 months? Instead of flashing at such a fast speed, is it better for them to focus on the flashcards (whether its just patterns or pictures) for maybe 10-15 seconds per card?

        Thanks in advance for your reply!


      2. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

        Hi Hazel, thank you for your support. Yes, Singapore tickets do run out fast. Next session should be June 2016. You may also register for the eWorkshop, many parents overseas (or pregnant mummies) have tried that and gave positive feedback. You may still ask me questions via email.

        For up to 2-3 months, I show baby each card for about 10 seconds. After about 2-3 months when he can focus well, I flash at the regular 1-3 cards per second. (“Right brain activation”)

        After a session, you may choose a few cards to describe in more detail and show him longer.

        Lots more covered in the workshops. See ya!

        ~ MieVee

      3. Im sorry, realised I have more questions to ask regarding flashcards for young babies!

        Besides the timing, do the guidelines for flashing cards apply here?
        Im refering to the guidelines on your blog which i pasted below:

        How to flash the flashcards?

        Tool: Buy a thumb cover from a stationery shop or Daiso. Preferably transparent or cream colour to camouflage it. Else, other colours are also fine, just try to hide it from the child’s view to prevent distracting her.
        Quantity: I flash about 10 cards per topic each time. For some favourite topics, Vee prefers that I flash the entire set at one go; this may be up to 40+ cards. So it depends on your child’s attention span. About 200 cards per day (can be broken into short sessions)
        Repetition: Generally no within the same day, unless my child specifically requests for it
        Rotation: Every day, I shuffle the cards within most topics (except cards for math, time, etc. that are sequential). Every week, I try to replace the entire set of ~200 cards. If I’m tired / busy, we may use the same set for several weeks, with daily shuffling and playing a variety of guessing games with the cards.
        Speed: 1 to 3 cards per second
        Some variety when flashing:
        Image – Image – Image – Image …
        Image – Word – Image – Word …
        Image – (flip horizontally) Word – Image – (flip horizontally) Word …
        Image – (flip vertically) Word – Image – (flip vertically) Word …

        Apologies for breaking up my post!

      4. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

        The above generally applies to 2-3 months and above, as long as baby’s eyes can already focus well. πŸ™‚

  11. hi, how many flashcards do u flash in each set? Im trying to create a schedule for my 15mths old girl, can you share yours? And lastly, how do we do the photographic memory?

    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Flashcards: usually 10 cards per topic, total 100-200 cards per session, or broken into shorter sessions.

      Our schedule is quite simple — after breakfast, we go into our schoolroom for “lesson time”. No toys (kept away in covered boxes or cupboards) and no distractions in the room (including no wall posters, colourful wall stickers, etc.) We sing, warm up, replicate some of the activities done in Shichida class. Nowadays, we do Montessori activities as well. After 1+ hour (perhaps more if the child insists!), we start packing away, cleaning up, and have lunch. With 1 child, I used to have more free time, so I may also rotate some materials for the following day while the child plays by himself.

      Just do what fits best into your family’s rhythm. πŸ™‚

  12. Hi MieVee,

    I’m a first time mum to 19 month old K and just started Heguru classes (Regret that I should have seen your blog much earlier and perhaps chosen Shichida, thats for another day) for him.
    When you say your 9 month old son got all correct in photographic memory and HSP exercises, did you actually mean that he did the exercises himself without any help? I’m truly amazed if thats what happened πŸ™‚ Baby Jae is truly a genius then! Bcoz the Heguru lessons seem to be mainly for the mummies as we are the ones to answer/do everything the teacher asks and the babies usually roam about or get easily distracted or simply sit (not sure if he’s listening or understanding)…

    I’d really appreciate if you could tell me how much participation can I expect from my 19 month old son…Thanks a ton!


    1. mievee @ mummyshomeschool.com

      Hi Divya, baby Jae selected his answers (for HSP & photo-memory) by pointing to the card he wanted to choose. The parent’s role is just to hold the baby. After these initial games, there’re more games that may need some matching / sticking with velcro, fine motor activities, etc. These need parental assistance until the child is older.

      If the activities are too advanced or the child not interested, I’d be the one participating in class and let the child observe. Home practice is when we can match the child’s pace and interest.

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